I can't believe we've reached a year and a half with Connor!! I'm crazy about this kid....he's just so sweet!! He loves dancing, music, playing with his toys, playing outside, and running all around.
(Playing after his haircut....eating his sucker)
Connor is still a really good sleeper. He still loves to have us sing to him while we rock him before bed. Bedtime continues to be around 7:30 and he sleeps anywhere from 7:30 to 8:30am. He takes a 2 to 3 hour nap in the afternoon. However, naps this week have been a bit off....45 minutes one day and 1.5 hours another. When his naps are this short during the day, it is hard to get him to 7:30. Wednesday night this week he was up as late as he has ever been (9:45pm) because we took the kids to go see Disney on Ice. He did great staying up late, but was exhausted the next day!
(Just hanging out with Dad before bed)
As far as eating is concerned, Connor does pretty well. He's had a little bit of trouble this week with refusing some foods and I've learned that if he snacks during the day he doesn't eat well during his meals. He refused dinner on Wednesday and lunch on Thursday (both times he had a fairly good snack beforehand). When he does get snacks, they are usually pretty small. Connor usually can't get his breakfast down fast enough and this week he hasn't been eating as much as he normally does in the morning. I'm wondering if he is getting some more teeth....he's just been off this week.
Connor and Elli have really started playing more together. He loves playing with her as long as she isn't taking something away from him (which happens often). He often mimics what she does. Elli usually bosses him around and doesn't understand that he isn't going to do everything she says!!
We had his 18 month well visit on the 18th and I couldn't believe how well he did. I mean, didn't even mind having the dr. check him over. He just sat there and 'read' a magazine the whole time and then told the dr. 'bye.' Connor got 2 vaccinations in his legs and cried for about 10 seconds and then wanted me to put him down. The dr. did take note that he does still have the hole in his heart, which was disappointing.....I was really hoping it'd be closed by this point. But....seeing how well he did today, makes me feel better about his upcoming cardiology appointment. He is 21 pounds 8 ounces (10-25th percentile) and 32 inches (25-50th percentile) The dr. was very please with his development.
Happy 18 months Connor Lee!! I can't believe how big you're getting. Yesterday, you leaned to the side, passed gas, and laughed.....I couldn't believe it and it just reminded me how quickly you are growing!! You are such a sweet, sweet boy!!
Contrary to what you might believe, this video is not of Connor having a seizure, but rather a video of him dancing while sitting on his knees. This boy loves dancing!!