The Lindvall Family

The Lindvall Family
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

1 month old

Elliana, happy 1 month birthday....we are so happy to have you in our lives! Wow, I can't believe it has already been 1 whole month. It seems like just yesterday we were kissing our Bells goodbye and heading for the hospital! Elli hit a huge milestone last night....She slept the whole night in HER bassinet!!!!! Of course we got up a few times to eat and stick the paci back in her mouth, but she didn't get in bed with us until 8:00 this morning! I did have to trick her by putting her in bed with us for just a couple minutes to get into a deep sleep before I put her in her bassinet, but IT WORKED!! I was so happy when I woke up this morning and I think Scott and I both feel like we actually slept a couple hours!

Yesterday, Elli and I went to my OB/GYN appointment. She did great. As soon as I put her in the car seat....she started sleeping! Her blonde hair was a hit with the nurse at the dr.'s office and the dr. thought she was absolutely beautiful....ok...ok....I know he has to say that with each baby that comes in, but I know he really meant it when he said it about Elli! She slept through the whole appointment and was even the perfect baby when we ran some errands afterwards. Good news from my appointment....I'm cleared to do anything! YES! Operation get this baby weight off!! Although I'm still have some pain, Bells and I went out to power walk last night....I'm still a little too sore to run at this point!

Funny story (well kind of)! The past 2 weeks we've been having significant difficulty "losing" Elliana's mitts! We've lost a total of 4 (plus I couldn't find 2 others this morning) in the past couple of weeks and have had NO CLUE where they go! When they mysteriously come up missing, we search EVERYWHERE....underneath things, in drawers, trash, etc. multiple times! Well....Sunday night I was frustrated with Scott because I left him 2 mitts for Elli in case she started scratching! When I went to go put them on, they were gone....nowhere to be found! Of course I thought that he had knocked them off the ottoman or accidentally misplaced them. We started searching everywhere for it and I look down and here Bella is eating the other mitt (the one that is not lost)! I can't believe we didn't even think about her eating the mitts. She eats her toys and these mitts typically smell like milk because Elli wipes her face multiple times....even while eating! was Bella all along....leaving no trace of a mitt anywhere! Oh Bells....if only we didn't love you so much....

Below are pictures of Elli's 1 month "birthday." I posted so many pictures because I just couldn't pick out my favorites....She's just so darn cute!! The first two pictures are Elli in a new sleeper. People from Papa Lindvall's work got her this! So cute!

**** Click on the pictures to enlarge them....

Her new sleeper....
Photo shoot begins....

Hmmm....look at this arm


Snuggling with Daddy! I'm determined to eventually get a good picture of them both, but I don't know if that will happen until we start getting more sleep! Daddy looks tired in most pictures that I take of them!
Look for an update next week as we take a trip to Elli's dr. We are hoping he is happy with her weight gain!

*****Yes Amber, I copied off of you by getting the monthly stickers! Thanks for the idea :)

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