The Lindvall Family

The Lindvall Family
Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Thursday, May 17, 2012

9 months

Is this really our last month for single digits?  It is unbelievable to me that we're within 3 months of Connor's 1st birthday and the fact that Scott and I were already discussing plans for it (which will be on Aug. 18th for those wanting to come)!  Connor is so much fun these days and is no longer wanting to sit still.  He is officially on the go as of last Monday (5/7)!  He loves to stand and does great standing while holding onto something....that only lasts for a little bit and then he gets a little fussy because he can't figure out how to get down.  He has starting pulling himself to his knees and occasionally will pull himself up on his feet.  This little guy has already acquired multiple nicknames in his short little life: Con, Con-Man, Bubba, Bubbies, Bubby Wubby (not proud of this one), Connor Boy, Bubs, Bubba-Lou (really, really not proud of this one....this one, like so many of the other ones needs to stop).

Connor continues to take 2 naps a day.  He typically goes down for his morning nap around 8:30 and usually sleeps 1.5 hours.  He goes down for his 2nd nap right after I get Elli down for hers- usually around 1:00ish.  He sleeps about 2 hours for his afternoon nap.  His bedtime is at 7:30 and he typically sleeps 11 or 12 hours at night!

These days, Connor loves listening to music and reading books.  Although reading to him has been a tad more difficult now that he can get up and go.  Either way, we always make sure to read him a couple books before naptime, a couple books before bedtime and a few more throughout the day.  He is clapping, babbling and occasionally waving and playing 'How Big.'  He loves watching Elli and cracks up when she plays peek-a-boo with him.  He is so much fun (have I already said that) and I love, love, love him at this stage!

Connor is eating 3 meals a day and taking 22 to 24 ounces of formula a day.  He is now fully on formula and has been for about 2 weeks now.  The smell of formula is absolutely disgusting and the powder spills everywhere (which I hate), but I'm loving the free time I have these days.  I have about 2 hours extra a day.  Although this extra time is wonderful, I have to admit that I kind of miss having 20 minutes to myself while Scott takes care of the kiddos at night (kidding....kind of....ok not really).  He's doing great with solids- he has meals where he eats only what we are eating and then meals where he still gets pureed food.  He takes 3 big bottles a day and usually a very small bottle as a snack before lunch.  He will drink water out of a sippy cup, but wasn't a fan of me putting formula in it the other day.

We got a good report from Dr. Tyler today at his 9 month well visit.  He is 17lbs 6 oz (10-25th percentile) and 28 inches long (25-50th percentile).  I forget the measurements of his head, but  I do remember it was within the 50th to 75th percentile.  We had his vision screened and he passed (this screening also reminded me that we still need to take Elli to the eye dr).  His dr. is very pleased with his development and so are we!  

Feelin' Fine in Month Number Nine....

 How big is Connor....SOOO Big
 This is what happened during the majority of the photo shoot.  This little guy doesn't sit still anymore!!  

 Elli insisted that Daddy have a sticker.....
She needed one too!

Happy 9 month birthday Connor boy!!  You are sweet, easy going, fun, happy, and lovable!!


  1. "Feelin fine in month number nine"??? Are you kidding me?! Poor Bubby Wubby...I apologize in advance for your mommy.

  2. Amber- I'm blocking you from my blog....
